Moose was born on Oct. 02, 2002, along with 4 siblings. Moose is a male Newfoundland. The breeder is Kyrsten Adams of Seagirt Newfoundlands in Fairbanks, Newfoundland, Canada. His full name is Seagirt Moose Anderson. His dog parents are: Mt. Bears UB the Judge and Signalmen's Candle in the Wind- Candy. Moose came home to the Anderson household when he was 9 weeks old. Moose was not a name that we had picked. We had picked him up at the airport in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada and were on Route 9, west of Calais, Maine around midnight when a Moose walked up on the side of the roadway. Needless to say, it was a sign. The name turns out to fit him well.